
Michele L Kelsey is a high-quality SEO writer. This website is dedicated to writers who wish to work for her. If you'd like to learn more about writing with her or for her, please see the "Writers" section. If you are a client wishing to hire Michele, you can email Oklahoma writer at Yahoo dot com or go to her website, Michele L Kelsey.

Learn more about Michele on her About page on the Michele L Kelsey website.

As a quick summary, Michele is a Bible scholar who graduated from Oklahoma Christian University with a Bachelor's in Accounting. She received her Associate's degree from Boise State University and her MBA from Chadron State College. With a nearly 4.0 GPA, you can expect the best writing from Michele!

She is very supportive of new writers, so if you are interested in writing, please apply!

How to Write Meta Descriptions - Part 2

Here are some more NOTES I found on the topic! :)  SEO Meta Descriptions For RankMath (What I Use), it should be less than 160 characters. B...